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Summer Camp Guide
Summer Camp Guidep

Community News

Sponsor: Council Rock Coalition for Healthy Youth (CRCHY)
Release Date: 11/14/18
The Council Rock Coalition for Healthy Youth (CRCHY) was awarded an $8,000 mini-grant to implement a comprehensive opioid misuse prevention media campaign to Bucks County residents. The grant was one of 19 grants, totaling $152,000, offered by the Commonwealth Prevention . . .

Joe Conklin and the City All-Stars of Comedy
Event Date: 11/23/18 Time: 7pm - 11pm
Sponsor: Mary Kate's Legacy Foundation
Location: FOP Lodge 5, Heroes Ballroom, 11630 Caroline Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154
Release Date: 11/10/18
This program includes the comedy show, buffet, beer, and wine. It supports a wonderful foundation. Mary Kate's Legacy Foundation is committed to the witness of faith and spirit of giving that inspired all who knew her. The mission of the foundation is to continue the spirit of love and goodness which epitomized the life of Mary Kate Marlow. The . . .

Author: Beth Brody,, 908-295-0600

Sponsor: Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County
Release Date: 11/8/18
With the closing of Heaven’s Treasures Thrift & Value Stores (formerly Impact Thrift) earlier this month, donors and shoppers still have a local alternative – the Habitat ReStores in Chalfont and Langhorne. Bargain hunters can find everything for the home including the kitchen sink. The ReStores sell . . .

Author: Linda J. Bishop, 215-249-0100, x146,
Release Date: 11/6/18
Pearl S. Buck has been named a “2018 Top-Rated Nonprofit” by GreatNonprofits, the leading provider of user reviews of charities and nonprofits. Pearl S. Buck International hosts intercultural and international exchanges through its one-to-one child sponsorship program, . . .