Senior Health Products
These businesses offer special senior products including hearing aids, medical supplies and more.
Showing results within 20 miles of zipcode 18101
AARP Foundation Senior Community Services Employment Program
AARP Foundation Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP) can help you keep pace with the changing nature of work and help you to find permanent employment while receiving a paycheck! SCSEP places older workers in a variety of community service activities at nonprofit and public facilities like daycare and senior centers, schools and hospitals. As a participant you can sharpen your job
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skills and earn income - all while giving back to your community. To learn more, call us at 610-865-3002 or email
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Over 55 and looking for work?
Get the training you need to compete in today's job market while receiving a paycheck!
RxCut Prescription Savings Card
(17 miles)
Save up to 87% on prescriptions.
The RxCut® prescription savings card benefits the insured, uninsured, underinsured, and those with
high deductibles.
RxCut® is driven to help all people.
We negotiate deep discounts with pharmacies to provide low cost prescription drugs to consumers.
Always ask, Whats my RxCut® Price?
and start saving today. Go to: to print your free card. We do not collect any personal information.
RxCut Prescription Savings Card
Hill Road
Green Lane, PA 18054
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